Podcasts I’ve Been On

(with the premises painstakingly explained)

Hold On
The guest tells a true tale to Eugene Mirman, who interrupts with questions whenever he likes. Taped before a live audience. Listen for free on either Audible or iTunes (at this moment on iTunes, mine's episode 38; if that changes, simply scan the list for "Boston Comedy Festival" and then for "paraprosdokian").


Penn's Sunday School
The guest chats with Penn Jillette & a couple of his pals; I'm ecstatic to be the entirety of episode 97.


History Bluffs
The guest answers ten questions as a historical figure, not knowing who until he's introduced as that figure to a live audience (in my case, at the Limestone Comedy Festival). I was Albert Einstein. I follow André the Giant (portrayed by Ryan Singer). If an asteroid's heading towards earth and you've only got time for me, I'm at 29:15. If for some reason you can't play or find it, simply google "History Bluffs" and hunt down the iTunes option: mine's episode 40.